In 1963, Bill Cosby was a breath of fresh air, coming
after the first wave of "sick-nik" comedians. He offered warm
stories about childhood, clean and cute gags on movies and TV commercials,
and Mark Twain-inspiried Bible humor. The Coz won six Grammy Awards in
a row with albums full of childhood recollections, fatherhood, and characters
like the legendary Fat Albert. In his day, black comedians had few options.
They either had to play the adult-circuit, as Redd Foxx did, or race had
to be the main topic in the routine, as it was for Dick Gregory. Cosby
was just...Cosby. He was a hip humorist with a cool delivery who was telling
genial stories about growing up.
Material excerpted from: Wonderfulness (2-1634);
Copyright: Warner Bros. Records, Inc. Publisher: All selections written
by Bill Cosby and published by Manger Music, Inc.
To Russell, My Brother, Whom I Slept With (2-1734);
Copyright: Warner Bros. Records, Inc. Publisher: All selections written
by Bill Cosby and published by Manger Music, Inc.
Bill Cosby At His Best (MCAD-20676); Copyright:
MCA Records, Inc. Publisher: All material written by Bill Cosby.
Revenge (2-1691); Copyright: Warner Bros. Records,
Publisher: All selections written by Bill Cosby and published by Manger
Music, Inc.