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Phyllis Diller


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Phyllis Diller, recently retired from performing stand-up comedy, took to the stage at the age of 37 as "the world's worst housewife." She laughed at her own jokes in her trademark cackle, and decked herself out in fright wigs and bizarre costumes. She was a "chic chanteuse exuding bad taste," but she became the first truly successful female stand-up star, making records, headlining top clubs, and ultimately making movies and having her own sitcom. She even appeared as a piano soloist with hundreds of symphony orchestras, working under the name Dame Illya Dillya. Her successful comedic style, inspired by people like Bob Hope, was an interesting combination of character comedy and solid one-liners delievered with a deadpan glare.

Material excerpted from: Phyllis Diller Laughs (V-15026); Copyright: Verve Records.

Are You Ready For Phyllis Diller (V-15031); Copyright: Verve Records.

Phyllis Diller
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